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Does Gut Health Affect Your Mood, Sleep, and Stress Levels?

Does Gut Health Affect Your Mood, Sleep, and Stress Levels?

It is often said that “You are what you eat”. Turns out, there is some objective truth in that statement. It is a scientifically proven fact that our mood and health completely depend on our food habits.
Common Causes and Symptoms of Dry Eyes

Common Causes and Symptoms of Dry Eyes

Dry eyes, or more medically appropriate, Tear Film Dysfunction, occurs due to lack of natural lubrication in the eyes. This uncomfortable condition can be caused by an array of issues —including environmental (i.e., dry, dusty surroundings), an existing health condition (i.e., seasonal allergies), and other health issues that cause a decrease in the tear or natural oil production.
Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

What is Ginkgo Biloba? Ginkgo Biloba is an ancient plant extract that has widely been used in traditional medicine for treating numerous health problems. Recently, the University of Maryland has declared it to be one of the oldest species on earth!
Teaching Your Kids About Oral Hygiene

Teaching Your Kids About Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene practices begin at a young age. If you teach your kids the importance of dental health from an early age, it can help them to stick to daily teeth cleaning practices that can keep oral diseases away.
How to Take Care of Your Skin after Shaving

How to Take Care of Your Skin after Shaving

Most men do not prefer to shave because they love their beards. The ones who want to shave hate the dry itchy skin they get after shaving. So, what’s the solution?
Importance of a Daily Skin Care Routine

Importance of a Daily Skin Care Routine

Your skin is the most exposed part of your body that can get damaged from the sun, pollution, and a number of impurities. It is important to take care of your skin with a good daily skin care routine that helps you fight against such damage.
Skin Care for All Seasons

Skin Care for All Seasons

Skincare is an all-round-year dance because every season brings with it a different skin problem. Summers tan your skin and give you sunburns, while winters make it very dry. Rainy season is no respite because with it, arrives the oil fields that are ready to overflow on your face.
Tips for Cleansing, Toning, and Moisturizing Routine

Tips for Cleansing, Toning, and Moisturizing Routine

Maintaining a proper skincare routine is of the utmost importance to maintain a healthy and good looking skin. You don’t always have to adopt a complicated skin care routine to take care of your skin.
Understanding Skin Care Routine For Different Ages

Understanding Skin Care Routine For Different Ages

Taking care of your skin is as necessary as taking care of your health. There are some who consider skincare very sacred and some who take it for granted. Then there are some people who use the same product for years, and some who want fast results and resort to different creams and gels to look beautiful.
3 popular monthly fashion box subscriptions for men

3 popular monthly fashion box subscriptions for men

Do you need an effortless way to shop for the latest fashion and apparel? Your prayers have been answered with monthly fashion boxes for men and women that are delivered home.
Things to know before using whitening toothpastes

Things to know before using whitening toothpastes

Important information you need to know about teeth whitening toothpastes Teeth staining and sensitivity are two of the most common issues present today. However, they are equally easily overlooked by a majority of people.
3 Healthy and Sweet Breakfast Recipes

3 Healthy and Sweet Breakfast Recipes

Often because of the morning rush, you might be tempted to empty a packet of processed cereals and pour some milk over it for breakfast before you rush to work or school.